While we do not accept insurance, we do work alongside it for lab work, medication and other medical needs.
Visits and on call provider.
We aim to care for everyone and most functional medicine services are costly. We have the 6 month commitment to continue to be able to provide low cost, extensive functional medicine care.
Depends on the test. Functional tests range from $250-$700. Serum lab panels range from $50-$200.
You can cancel at any time after the 6 month commitment period.
Yes, they are an automatic draw. You will need to have a card on file.
There is a link at the top of our website.
Call the main office number 570-238-9080. This is for primary care patients only. If you are a functional patient you will refer to your primary care or emergency room.
All Rights Reserved | Together for Health and Wellness
All Rights Reserved | Together for Health and Wellness
All Rights Reserved | Together for Health and Wellness